Saturday, 30 September 2017

Faith Confirmed

A series of talks, classes, sermons and groups for Harvest, Advent and Christmas 2017-18

Come! Follow Christ in the footsteps of St Chad 
You are invited to join us on a pilgrimage of spiritual discovery.  Faith Confirmed is open to all and can be accessed by all to meet the needs of people of all ages living in a busy and demanding world.  Therefore, the parishes of St Chad and St Alkmund will offer everyone the opportunity to engage by: online resources, evening meetings, morning gatherings, classes, and printed material.

Come! Confirm your faith

Fr Mark Chadwick

Special Sermons at Evensong  - 6pm Sundays 
1 October        Fr Mark Chadwick       Reflecting on our Faith
22 October      Fr Leonard Parry-Jones   Prayer
5 November    Fr Alan Fell                       Sacraments  
19 November  Fr David Crowhurst           Music in Worship

Each service will be followed by a time for a reflection with the preacher and Fr Mark.

Morning Gatherings
after 10.30am Eucharist at St Alkmund’s, Thursdays
12 October
9 November
23 November
30 November
7 December

Spiritual Direction
Every Friday after the Eucharist, 9am – 10am
An opportunity to talk confidentially about your faith and prayer life.

Evening Sessions
3 Fishes, Fish Street (opposite St Alkmund’s) 8.30pm Thursdays
5 October
19 October
2 November – after the All Souls service
16 November
7 December

After school classes – time tbc to suit those attending
Tuesday 3 October –
Tuesday 17 October
Tuesday 7 November
Tuesday 21 November
Wednesday 6 December

Confirmation candidates are required to attend the following
Requiem Mass                                 12 November 6pm
Eucharist for Christ the King             26 November 10am
Advent Carol Service                          3 December 7pm
Liturgical Workshop            Tuesday 12 December 6pm-8pm
Christingle workshop          Saturday 16 December

Confirmation Service       Sunday 17 December 10am (Bishop Mark of Shrewsbury)

Online Resources

Sermons will be recorded and/or transcribed and available on our website.
Articles will be added to our blog (access via the webpage above), with opportunity to comment and question.

Printed Resources
Faith Confirmed, Preparing for Confirmation.  Peter Jackson and Chris Wright.  SPCK 2013. 
Items added to the blog will also be printed for those without internet access.

Fr Mark will be available after the Sunday 10am services at St Chad’s and St Alkmund’s for private conversations and also by email: