Monday 22 February 2016

Lent Group Reflections

Here are some reflections and notes from last week’s United Society lent study.

Sir I will follow you but first let me bury my father.....follow me and leave the dead to bury the dead (Matthew 8 v 21 and 22).

We all make excuses when following Jesus becomes difficult. Are there limits to my following Jesus? How far do I have to go to welcome the stranger, the refugee?

 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me ( Matthew 25 the Judgement of the nations).

The statistics about migration eg 1.2 million children are trafficked every year ( UNICEF); and in 2013, 252 million people migrated. Then look at the numbers coming to Greece, it's no wonder Greece/Europe is challenged. See latest UNHCR figures here.

“it helps when you see them as persons and not statistics” someone said. “Thank goodness there are people who want to help”.
We looked at a Filipino Domestic Worker story where in the UK under present law they can’t move from an employer without losing their visa status, making them vulnerable to employers’ abuse. In London the church is helping them. Now there is a report to the Home office suggesting changes in the law; December 2015! How will the Home office respond? To see the report on the House of Commons website click here.

How will Shropshire welcome Syrian refugees? Is Britain’s renegotiation in Europe really about nationalism, fear of the stranger, perhaps a sense of impotence? Is there a Christian response?


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